BetonFIP WP 610 FLEX

Flexible waterproofing coatings

BetonFIP WP 610 FLEX

Flexible, two-component cementitious coating for waterproofing and protecting concrete and masonry structures.

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What it is used for

BetonFIP WP 610 FLEX  has been designed and formulated to create a continuous coating suitable for waterproofing and protecting concrete and masonry structures. It has the ability to fix cracks thanks to its “crack bridging ability”. BetonFIP WP 610 FLEX can be applied as a flexible coating to level cavities and slightly deteriorated surfaces. BetonFIP WP 610 FLEX is used for waterproofing and protecting:

- hydraulic structures such as: reservoirs, tanks, cisterns, dam walls, pipelines, canals, tunnels, sewers, etc.;
- new concrete structures or concrete structures that have been restored using the cementitious mortars of the BetonFIP range, such as viaducts, - - tunnels, etc.;
- sea structures;
- underground structures such as foundations, walls against the ground, etc.;
- structures with inadequate concrete cover.

The use of BetonFIP WP 610 FLEX creates a continuous waterproof coating that is highly breathable, flexible and resistant to aggressive environmental agents and to freeze-thaw cycles and highly resistant to abrasion and impact. BetonFIP WP 610 FLEX is not suitable for driveways.


Good resistance to direct and indirect hydrostatic pressure;
Good crack bridging ability, which guarantees continuous coating even in the presence of cracks;
Protection of reinforcements with low concrete cover from corrosion thanks to its high impermeability;
Excellent resistance to aggressive environmental agents, which therefore guarantees high durability thanks to the very high impermeability which prevents water, chlorides, carbon dioxide, etc. from entering the structure;
Excellent resistance to freeze-thaw cycles, which increases the durability of the intervention carried out on concrete structures frequently exposed to low temperatures;
High water-vapour permeability; the vapour generated within the structure as the temperature changes evaporates through the coating, minimising vapour pressure on the surface;
High abrasion resistance, an important requirement to ensure long durability in the case of structures that drag solid materials, a recurring situation in various hydraulic structures;
UV-resistant, so it can also be used as a top coat.

Appearance and color



Reference standards

UNI EN 1504-2


Airless Applicazione esterna Pennello Spatola in acciaio


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