ResinFIP Primer 371

Primer per rivestimenti protettivi filmogeni poliuretanici ed epossidici

ResinFIP Primer 371

Two-component, epoxy primer formulated to promote the adhesion of or epoxy, polyurethane film-forming protective systems from the ResinFIP COAT range.

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What it is used for

ResinFIP PRIMER 371 has been formulated to ensure maximum adhesion to the substrate of the polyurethane or epoxy, film-forming protective systems of the ResinFIP COAT range.
ResinFIP PRIMER 371 also acts as a surface consolidating agent for concrete substrates. Before application, make sure that the substrate is dry; maximum tolerable humidity 4%. It is not recommended to use ResinFIP PRIMER 371 for work on structures that have to withstand negative hydraulic pressure; in these cases, it is necessary to use the specific primer, ResinFIP PRIMER WP 700.

ResinFIP PRIMER 371 can be easily applied by brush, roller or airless system.


ResinFIP PRIMER 371 is a synthetic, two-component product of epoxy nature. The hardened material is characterised by excellent adhesive power, high substrate impregnation capacity and fast drying.
ResinFIP PRIMER 371 should be applied as a primer for polyurethane and epoxy protective systems of the ResinFIP COAT range.

Appearance and color




Airless Pennello Rullo