Rivestimenti protettivi filmogeni acrilici


Film-forming, rigid, single-component, acrylic resin-based protective system in water emulsion, with a high titanium dioxide content, for the protection of reinforced concrete structures not in permanent contact with water.

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What it is used for

ResinFIP COAT AC 351 HT has been formulated to protect reinforced concrete structures, not in permanent contact with water, from the aggression of environmental agents and de-icing salts. It can be applied either manually or by spraying, creating a film-forming coating that forms a barrier against the ingress of aggressive substances. It is particularly suitable as a primer in the protection of tunnels, tunnels, subways and for all situations where it is necessary to have a coating that best reflects natural or artificial light.

ResinFIP COAT AC 351 HT increases the service life of the structure.


The main requirements and performances that identify ResinFIP COAT AC 351 HT are:

High percentage of titanium dioxide, allowing natural or artificial light to be reflected. This requirement is particularly important for improving visibility inside tunnels, tunnels, subways.
High impermeability to water, helps to inhibit or slow down the corrosion processes that are the main cause of deterioration of reinforced concrete structures, however, it is not suitable for permanent contact with water;
High impermeability to chloride ions, which are particularly aggressive if they come into contact with reinforcement chloride ions also degrade the cement paste over time;
High adhesion to the substrate, guaranteeing long service life;
High permeability to water vapour, it allows the "transpiration" of structures and prevents the formation of tension at the interface between the protective system and the substrate; it also helps to keep the concrete dry, thus preventing corrosion of the reinforcements;
High resistance to freeze-thaw cycles, it guarantees a long service life even in environments that undergo frequent thermal cycles;
Resistant to UV rays, in addition to guaranteeing high durability on site, it allows the preservation of the initial chromatic aspects, an intrinsic characteristic of protective systems. initial colour aspects, an intrinsic characteristic of acrylic protective systems.

Appearance and color







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