Licalastic 150 PU


Licalastic 150 PU

Liquid membrane with waterproofing and hydro-hardening solvent.

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Main fields of application

It is particularly suitable to:
Restore deteriorated waterproofing systems. Protect and waterproof prefabricated or cast on site concrete.

Recommended applications:
Waterproof all the most common substrates used in construction in interventions on: roofs, balconies, terraces, even old screeds, also as a layer under the tile.

  • Suitable substrates (indoors or outdoors):
  • Concrete, cement mortars, gypsum-based materials
  • Metal and glass
  • Bituminous membranes, normal or slated, old or new
  • Plaster and plasterboard
  • Wooden roofs
  • Ceramic floors, bathrooms, showers, vases and flower beds


The simplicity of application: roller, brush or spray (after dilution with Licasol 150).
Superficially continuous, once cured, it becomes a seamless membrane ideal for large surfaces.
Reinforceable: in demanding cases it can be reinforced with Texture 2000 fabric.
Easily Repairable: In case of mechanical damage, it can be repaired in a few minutes.
Extraordinary adhesion power even on difficult substrates such as asphalt, sheaths, EDPM.
High mechanical and chemical properties even in extreme conditions, just a few hours after application.
The high surface hardness can be walked over and used for the laying of tiles, can also be used as a final layer.
Conforms to UNI EN 14891 and 1504-2 in class C-PI-MC-IR.
UV resistant, retains adhesion and elasticity from -30°C to +80°C (a slight change is possible).
Moisture hardening, residual moisture improves waterproofing while leaving transpiration feature unchanged.

Appearance and color

Bianco - Rosso - Grigio

Bianco - Rosso - Grigio

Reference standards

EN 14891 UNI EN 1504-2


Applicazione esterna Applicazione interna Airless Rullo


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