licataTHERM EPS T 100/036_CAM

Pannelli di isolamento

licataTHERM EPS T 100/036_CAM

licataTHERM EPS T 100/036_CAM is a thermal insulation sheet made of sintered expanded polystyrene. By means of a 'detensioning' process, residual internal stresses from the cutting processes are eliminated, improving accuracy on site and reducing ancillary work.


licataTHERM EPS T 100/036_CAM è classificata e marcata CE secondo la norma europea EN 13163.
Il rispetto dei requisiti essenziali è vincolante: solo i prodotti che offrono e garantiscono le prestazioni descritte nella EN 13163 possono essere immessi sul mercato e vanno utilizzati nel sistema llicataTHERM certificato secondo ETAG 004.


• Detensioned: through a 'detensioning' process, residual internal stresses from cutting processes are eliminated, improving accuracy on site and reducing incidental machining.
Lightweight and 100% recyclable: licataTHERM EPS T 100/036_CAM: complies with the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) with the use of reused raw materials, as provided for by the Environment Ministerial Decree of 11 October 2017, with ICMQ P264 certification.
Good insulating power: licataTHERM EPS T 100/036_CAM is characterised by low thermal conductivity, making it ideal for the insulation of both interior and exterior walls and for the construction of licataTHERM cladding systems.
Excellent mechanical performance: licataTHERM EPS T 100/036_CAM is characterised by excellent dimensional stability, high mechanical strength and high tensile and compressive strength.
Durability: the high resistance to ageing, humidity and rotting phenomena makes the licataTHERM EPS T 100/036_CAM panel a stable and durable solution.

Appearance and color



Reference standards

ETAG 004


Applicazione esterna Applicazione interna LicataTherm


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