Stil Romana Faccia Vista

Base plasters and binders

Stil Romana Faccia Vista

Mortar for bedding (M5) and renovation (R), transpiring and with high adhesion, based on Roman lime.

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Main fields of application

It is particularly suitable to:
Be used for styling with high transpiration feature of the masonry of historic buildings made of natural stone, terracotta, brickwork, and the like.

Recommended applications:
Plaster any kind of wall with fine texture, especially where highly transpiring materials are required, as well as for the styling of any kind of surface.

  • Suitable substrates (indoors or outdoors):
  • Masonry in clay brick
  • Stone masonry (limestone, sandstone, tuff, etc.)
  • Exposed brickwork masonry
  • Mixed masonry


The excellent adhesion feature makes it a product suitable for any substrate, exceptional for styling.
The transpiring and water repellency feature allows the creation of lightweight mortars, easy to work and lay.
Smooth and soft: it allows easy application, both precision and deliberately rustic.
Historically compatible: natural raw materials make it perfect for conservative renovation.
Conforms to class R of the UNI EN 998-1 standard and class M5 of the UNI EN 998-2 standard.

Appearance and color



Reference standards

EN 998-1 R EN 998-2 M5


Applicazione esterna Applicazione interna Cazzuola Cazzuolino in acciaio





Datasheets and documents


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