Malte per ancoraggio


Premixed, expansive, pourable cementitious mortar for precision anchoring.

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What it is used for

BetonFIP ANCORAGGIO has been designed and formulated to create, in a simple and reliable way, anchors in thicknesses from 10 to 50 mm of:

• any kind of machinery, such as turbines, pumps, compressors, lathes, milling machines, motor units, machines for paper or stone processing, mills, etc..;
• Precast steel and reinforced concrete elements;
• antry cranes, tracks, cranes, etc.;
• guardrail columns, sound-absorbing panels and similar items;
• wind turbines.

Its very high fluidity allows filling for casting with great speed, simplicity and reliability, for example the volume between:
• the base plate of the machinery and the concrete base;
• Precast elements and foundations;
• anchorage pockets and anchor bolts, etc.

Its expansive property guarantees excellent adhesion while avoiding shrinkage phenomena typical of normalcement materials. The absence of air bubbles on the contact surfaces, in addition to ensuring the maximum area of adhesion for the transfer of loads, allows the uniform distribution of stresses. This requirement allows the obtaining of a very high durability over time of the anchoring. Thanks to its formulation, it protects steel anchoring elements from corrosion.

BetonFIP ANCORAGGIO is also suitable for restoring, repairing and reinforcing deteriorated concrete structures. It requires the application of an electro-welded mesh, to counter the expansion, for thicknesses greater than 30 mm.


High fluidity, which allows for fast, easy and reliable pouring, as the mixture is very smooth and has maximum filling and compaction capacity;
High adhesion, allowing the perfect distribution of stresses between “foundation” and machinery/ element. High adhesion is guaranteed over time thanks to the product's expansive characteristics which eliminate long- term shrinkage, typical of normal concrete mixes. Such shrinkages would lessen adhesion to the anchorage;
Excellent mechanical performance, meaning that any stresses are safely absorbed and the product effectively withstands fatigue load cycles;
High resistance to freeze-thaw cycles, an essential requirement for the durability of any outdoor anchoring agent;
Excellent waterproofing, which guarantees the durability of the anchorage;
Excellent resistance to severe chemical attacks, meaning it can be used in industrial environments.
High corrosion protection, ensuring the protection of anchor bolts from corrosion.

Appearance and color



Reference standards

UNI EN 1504-3-6 UNI EN 1504-3R4


Applicazione esterna Inghisaggio
